
Showing posts from 2020

To the 20 year old me

2020 has just ended. This year was a strange one. It was the year, which claimed millions of lives, jobs and confined us to stay at our homes due to the pandemic. I just turned 20, a few days back. 20, an age where one says a goodbye to their teen life and enters into the proper adulthood.  This year was sadly one of the most unproductive years of my life. I stayed most of my time indoors, playing games and studying nothing. But as the year has ended, I am optimistic that at least, this year I will value the time and turn the most out of it into something fruit-full.  A short poem, which I wrote to myself for the future Abhishek to read.    To the 20 year old me Abhishek, now you are 20, an age of duties and responsibilities. You dream a lot, you think a lot, your ambitions are as big as it could be, but sadly there is no effort to turn it into a reality. The next five years mean a lot, a job to find and to meet a girl, who would be the one. So don't waste your ...

Comparison Logical and Bitwise Operator ( Java Part - 4 )

J ava Comparison Operators Comparison operators are used to compare two values: Operator Name Example Try it == Equal to x == y Try it » != Not equal x != y Try it » > Greater than x > y Try it » < Less than x < y Try it » >= Greater than or equal to x >= y Try it » <= Less than or equal to x <= y Try it » Java Logical Operators Logical operators are used to determine the logic between variables or values: Operator Name Description Example Try it &&  Logical and Returns true if both statements are true x < 5 &&  x < 10 Try it » ||  Logical or Returns true if one of the statements is true x < 5 || x < 4 Try it » ! Logical not Reverse the result, returns false if the result is true !(x < 5 && x < 10) Try it » Java Bitwise Operators Bitwise operators are used to perform binary logic with the bits of an integer or long integer. Operator Description Example Same as Result Decima...

Type Casting in Java ( Java Part -3 )

Type Casting in Java  Type casting is the practice of converting a data type from one type to another. In Java there are two type of type conversions. The type casting is fully similar to that of type conversion in C and C++. 1. Widening Casting : - This is used to convert from smaller range data type to larger range datatype. Generally these are done automatically. byte  ->  short  ->  char  ->  int  ->  long  ->  float  ->  double 2 Narrowing Casting :- This is used to convert from larger data type to smaller data type. Generally this type of type conversion is done manually. double  ->  float  ->  long  ->  int  ->  char  ->  short  ->  byte  

Let Set Targets

Let set Targets  You know, one of the greatest things that I fear in life and do nothing about is Oblivion. It depend on our present actions, but I hardly do anything to escape from it. At the end of the day I have be from nothing to something in life to be worthy in front of the society, or it won't respect me. JEE was a terrible phase in my life, I blame no-one except me, I messed it up very bad. I love computer science, coding and wan't to persue my career in that field. GATE-CSE-2023 is my only hope and I want to succeed. I love coding and thus wan't to peruse my career in that field. Let me stick the Gate CSE syllabus to keep me motivated.

Data types in Java ( Java Part - 2 )

There are two types of programming languages : 1. Statistically Typed Language :-   There are languages where variables and expressions are already known as runtime. Here each and every variable has to be typed with it's appropriate data types and a variable with one data type can store data from the other data type. Example : C,C++,Java. 2. Dynamically Typed Language :- The languages where variable and expressions are only known during the runtime is known as dynamically typed programming languages. Here we don't have to declare each an every variable with it's corresponding data type, it has rather to be type-cast-ed to it's appropriate data types. Example :- Python, R. Java   is a strongly typed programming language. It's safety and robustness comes from that fact. Each variable and it's data type has to strictly typed. All assignments, whether explicit or via parameter passing in method calls ( function calls ), are checked for type compatibility. ...