To the 20 year old me

2020 has just ended. This year was a strange one. It was the year, which claimed millions of lives, jobs and confined us to stay at our homes due to the pandemic. I just turned 20, a few days back. 20, an age where one says a goodbye to their teen life and enters into the proper adulthood. 
This year was sadly one of the most unproductive years of my life. I stayed most of my time indoors, playing games and studying nothing. But as the year has ended, I am optimistic that at least, this year I will value the time and turn the most out of it into something fruit-full. 

A short poem, which I wrote to myself for the future Abhishek to read. 

  To the 20 year old me

Abhishek, now you are 20,
an age of duties and responsibilities.

You dream a lot, you think a lot,
your ambitions are as big as it could be,
but sadly there is no effort
to turn it into a reality.

The next five years mean a lot,
a job to find
and to meet a girl,
who would be the one.

So don't waste your time in the foolish quest,
of quenching the thirst of the temporary comfortable state.
Be the man you wanna be,
and prove the one's who said you can't be ! 

It's goodbye letter to my teens,
a packet of sweet and bitter memories.


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